230 type WRN thermocouples-Thermocouple-Heating-China Sourcing

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  Products List: Thermocouple  >> 230 type WRN thermocouples

230 type WRN thermocouples (230型热电偶WRN)



Thermocouple is converted to electricity, the heat generated by the thermoelectric power measuring temperature, thermocouple of thermoelectric power is the thermocouple work on both ends of the poor, temperature function characteristics: assembly simple and easy to change, The compression spring type feeling temperature elements, seismic performance is good, Measurement range (- 200 ℃ ~ 13 ℃, special cases - 270 ℃ ~ 2800 ℃); High mechanical strength, compression performance is good, High temperature resistant can 280 degrees.

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