Power station thermocouples used/heat resistance-Thermocouple-Heating-China Sourcing

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Power station thermocouples used/heat resistance (电站用热电偶/热电阻)


My company is the specialized production units are highlighted.it table, along with the continuous development of Chinese power industry, be badly in need of various applicable to power thermocouple and thermal resistance to replace the imported. The company in order to catch up with the international advanced level, but also save the country foreign exchange, has introduced from abroad the professional manufacturing technology and equipment, and on the basis of original products, widely listen to the design institute and power users advice, and reference American EBASCO specification, to product redesigned, adding new varieties, make whole matching series of the varieties, specifications completely accord with homebred or introduce 30 million, 600,000 kw generators and domestic other units supporting need, and with excellent quality industry meet the market.


类别 代号 分度号 测温范围℃ 精度等级 允许偏差△t
镍铬-镍硅 WRNT K 0~800 ±2.5℃或0.75%t
镍铬-铜镍 WRET E 0~600 ±2.5℃或0.75%t
铜-铜镍 WRCT T -40~350 ±1℃或0.75%t
铂电阻 WZPT Pt100 -200~500 B级 ±(0.30+0.005|t|)
铂电阻 WZCT Cu50 -50~500 ±(0.30+6.0×10-3t)
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