Price Calculator for Die Casting in China
(Price Data Updated on 2/1/2012)

Our purpose is to provide quick estimation of mold price. We have kept it as simple as possible. It is applicable for most cases, the result is usually within 10% of market price.

Input Dimensions and Weight of the Part (Required)

Length: (mm)  Width: (mm)  Height: (mm)
Material Type:  Weight£º (gram)
(Unit Conversion: 1 inch = 25 mm, 1 pound = 450 gram)

Input Mold Structure Parameters (We have already chosen the typical parameters.)

Number of Cavities: Surface Complexity:
Protrusions from main body? (comparing to an even surface)
Special Structure: Etch graphic pattern on the mold?
Number of parting surfaces: Many Fins?
Number of Mold Insert/Sliders: Complexity of Inserts£º

Molding Machine Tonnage Calculation (Optional, we have already chosen the typical parameters.)

Formation Pressure
(click here for details)

Mpa Addtional Casting Area
( runners,gates...)
Wedge angle of Side Slider ¦Á degree Shadow Area of Side Sliders cm^2

Extra Cost for Unit Production Complexity£º %